Seeing the Divine Revelation of Christ in God's Economy
The Two Systems of God in the Universe
2011-09: The Revelation of Christ in God's Economy as Presented in Psalm 2: Dublin, Ireland
Christ - the Centre of God's Economy
2011-09: The Revelation of Christ in God's Economy as Presented in Psalm 2: Dublin, Ireland
Seeing the Divine Revelation of Christ in God's Economy
2011-09: The Revelation of Christ in God's Economy as Presented in Psalm 2: Dublin, Ireland
The Preaching of the Gospel
2011-09: The Revelation of Christ in God's Economy as Presented in Psalm 2: Dublin, Ireland
Experiencing the Christ Revealed in Psalm 2 and Living according to This Revelation
2011-09: The Revelation of Christ in God's Economy as Presented in Psalm 2: Dublin, Ireland